Monday, May 28, 2007

R.I.P. Christopher Brewer

I got a phone call this morning from the leader of the band I played with in New Orleans. He told me that our Bass Guitarist was found dead yesterday of, as yet, undetermined causes. Sleep well, old friend.

I also ran across one of the few pieces of art that I have made. It has no connection to Chris, but I'm really too numb to think of anything else to say right now.

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Suzanne said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. I'm here for you.

Kara said...

Chris was (is) my step brother. I was crushed to hear of his death from his mom, Kathleen.I have not been able to contact him for many years, but we were always close! If u have any pics u could e-mail me it would be greatly appriciated! Chris was a great brother, a kind human being, and a talented musician! He will be sorely missed!...friends by association..Kara.!