Friday, May 25, 2007

The Wider World...

Lately, watching the news, I've suddenly found that I can move myself outside of the usual selfish egocentrism of most Americans. I gain some perspective on what most of the world is really like. I'm reminded that as a Buddhist it is my personal obligation to improve my world when and where I can. To seek and give enlightenment where I can. To understand what the true connections between us are and to strenghten them where I can.

I have been a great fan of the band Dead can Dance for many years, but I have lately listened with more than just my ears, but with all of my senses. I'm shocked at how much I missed.

They may be a bit hard to understand or digest at first, but the power of their music can be felt on so many levels if you give yourself a chance to hear it.

This is one of my personal favourites, though the video is new to me. I hope that you give it a chance.

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